My parent always taught me things that would benefit me in life. One being, never bring up politics and religion. So much shit get stirred up and emotions go through the fucking roof. My philosophy is to never get into a debate where I have to convince people to change their beliefs. I don’t believe in that. You have the right to your opinion as long as you can back it up. I also feel that one has to be able to look at things from both sides of an argument.
This KONY 2012 campaign is absolutely amazing. This thing has spread like wildfire. And you know, it’s great that people are getting involved trying to help the world become a better place for everyone. After all, we are all in this together. With that said, let’s take a look back in history. Back in the day, when white Europeans were out colonizing the world, they settled on a place called Africa. To make this conversation short, they fucked it all up. Tribes that had claim to certain land became combined with other tribes thus causing multiple wars and bloodshed and genocide. All the fun family activities we’re used to… Anyways, fast forward to 2012, and here we are talking about bring Joseph Kony to justice. The man is downright evil. He is inhumane to people.
So, how do you stop a mad man? How do you find justice for all the wrong he has done. Well let’s look at past genocides. Hitler, he killed millions of Jews. The world really did nothing and Hitler killed himself at the end of World War II… Okay… Next? Vietnam. Well that’s a shit storm in itself and in a nutshell, if you weren’t communist, you were killed… The US got involved and ended up leaving empty handed. Vietnam is still a communist country and I hear it is a lovely vacation spot… We are 0-2 in success. Iraq? This should be interesting… Sure there were not WMDs, but let’s not talk about Saddam’s weaponry he did not possess in 2003. Let’s talk about him gassing his own people. End result he was captured and tried in 2006 and was sentenced to death after being convicted of “crimes against humanity.” End result? Well, it’s over and done with, for now. It’s not a place I would take my kids to on a “Around the World” venture. To put it simply, getting rid of Kony isn’t going to solve the problem entirely.
Think of it like this. Osama Bin Laden is dead, right. Are we that much closer to leaving Afghanistan? Nope. We Americans have this idea that if shit is going on in other countries, are contributions are to click a like button/retweet/reblog and we are that much closer to World Peace. World Peace is a fallacy.
Now these Invisible Children guys. They are part of a cause to help rid the world of Joseph Kony. I think that is a fair assessment of the situation. It’s non-biased. It’s a fact, they are. And that to many is a great thing. I think the world would be completely better off if we could get rid of all the Joseph Kony’s of the world.
But just throwing this out there, this is really bad PR. Also, the helping and funding the Ugandan Military that is just as bent as Kony, is probably bad for community building or even some type of partnership… Just throwing that out there.
Anyways, everyone is allowed an opinion and I’m not here to tell you that you’re wrong. I’m telling you to look at the picture as a whole (not the one above, the whole cause). And on that note, I bid thee all farewell. Also, if you get a chance, read this. Cheers.