Thursday, February 16, 2012

Social Media: The End of Interpersonal Skills and Any Other Form of People Skills We Once Knew...

I was born January 6th 1989. I think that puts me with the Generation Y crew. At least that's what it's saying on Wikipedia. I can't exactly tell you what is so significant about us Generation Y babies, but I feel like we're a big deal, or we're made out to be a big deal. I dunno, man, I heard it somewhere before. My mother and father are both part of the Baby Boom Generation, my dad being the beginning and my mother being somewhere in the middle. Anyways, I'm slowly getting to my point, bare with me... 

I hate it when people throw me in this "Facebook" Generation class. Yeah, obviously I have one and spend about 5 hours out of my 17 hour day on it. Oh well. But I can't say I've been around it for ever. In fact, I didn't join the "scene" till 2007 when I a ripe 18 years old. Who knew. And I get aggravated with people thinking I can't live with out my cellphone. Well, listen here, yes I am on it constantly, but if I didn't have, I would not have withdrawals. I have it, so I've got to use the shit out of it seeing how it cost $199.99. I didn't join the cellphone "scene" till I was 16. Before that, I did rely on smoke signals to communicate with people. There was once a time when I didn't have a gaming system and I went outside to play. I got dirty, grass stains, cuts and bruises (some looked like child abuse stuff bruises), played on my razor scooter, rode my bike, played manhunt late at night, the whole nine yards. But, now I sit on my ass...

So, of recent, I've seen a few people posting things about how they hate Twitter or some new fads that are posted on Facebook at stupid... etc. I'll be honest, a lot of those "apps" are pretty stupid. I absolutely hate the ones where you can figure out what you cellphones name is. So fucking stupid. And let's be honest, how many people need to post the stupid girls first hard core songs. Does anyone remember the 6 degrees of separations?  I don't need 38 people posting the same fucking video. I got it the first 14 times. That and AOL let me know it was a top story. But thanks for the friendly fucking reminder. I'm going to go rip my fucking finger nails off with a rusty plier...

Then there's those "What people think I do" pictures... Some are funny, most are not. If something interest me, then I'll read it, otherwise, I usually ignore that, like the 38 posts about the stupid girl who sang her first hard core song... I mean, I find it idiotic to complain about people posting stupid things on our, whatever you want to call them, "social media" sites, but yet we spend hours of our day looking at stupid shit on them. Really? I mean, I use Facebook to stalk people most times, and wonder why certain people won't ever accept my friend request, while I peek at what pictures I can see... to catch up with old friends... and that's all I see is stupid shit, but it drives to sit and wait till the next stupid thing is posted so we can bitch entirely all about it (hence this blogs existence)...

That's fucking awesome. Thank you for allowing me to waste my fucking time.
I'm also into Twitter and I'm just getting into the tumblr scene (Yes, I am promoting myself through competing social mediums. What of it?). I hate the so called "reasons" for disliking Twitter. Listen, I get it, some people just aren't into it and that's fine. I'm not going to convince you why it's awesome and that everyone on the face of the planet needs one. It took me years to fully get into it. I'm also a Corporate Communications major and it'll basically be somewhere in my job description. But all that is besides the point. So, the number one reason I hear twitter "sucks" is because people don't want to post stupid things like, "I'm taking a shit." or "I'm eating a burger." nor do they want to read shit like that. Guess what? Neither do I! And you know who complains about shit like that? Those fuck heads that found out what their cellphones name is... *bangs head on the computer* FML...

So, I guess in conclusion, social mediums are cool. Yeah, there may be some risks involved with people stealing you identity and/or/not limited to: raping you, breaking into your home, murder, bullying, the shits, stealing your socks... But, so are the other normal things like jogging, riding a fucking bike, driving. Hell, maybe you end up on either 1000 ways to die and/or The Darwin Awards... Also, I'm sick of people bitching about what other people's shit they post. Why are you so damn concerned? Yes, there are some things I think are stupid, but face it, you probably don't post "perfect" things either. Everyone is entitled to post things. I'm entitled to ignore it. But instead we make big deals over these things when we can do something as simple as ignoring it. Hell, five people might look at this, but most people will overlook it and that's fine with me. I write because, A.) Someone will read this, and B.) it allows my writing skills to stay...ish... But listen, I really gotta get back to creeping on an old high school crush's Facebook... bouncing around the social mediasphere... meet some new people... do white collar things... I just gotta fucking go, OKAY! This is why I don't talk to people in the real world. My Twitter followers are more understanding...

Side note: to the people that bitch about people's grammar... Fuck you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Driving Etiquette

I might have blogged about my frustration with people driving before, or it was just mentioned in a blog in which I ranted about all things wrong with this world including people sucking at driving. But there is a lot in the area the bothers me wholesomely. Personally, I hate it and it doesn't help that there are people out there who just flat out have no talent in driving. Every aspect of driving sucks. It's a shame really. I feel like the world would be a much simpler place if everyone drove like me.

But first, I am going to start with the rules to my car from the outside in. I feel this is necessary, because some people in the past have taken advantage of the system. It will no longer be tolerated in my car.

Stebs Car Rules:
(I know, it's a pretty fucking clever title.)

  1. There will ALWAYS be a Co-Pilot.
    • Prettiest girl(s) sit in the front seat. 
    • Right hand man takes the role of Co-Pilot in the event there are no pretty girls. 
    • If right hand man is not present, the role is then filled by the #3 man.
      • If, for any reason, I am not able to drive, the right hand man will take control of the vehicle temporarily. If he too is either, unable or not present, #3 man assumes position of the right hand man. If neither are present or able, the next safest driver assumes command. I will then occupy the Co-Pilot's seat.
    • If none of the above applies, I care not how it is determined who sits in the front seat. However, I have the right to overturn any bullshit rule I hear in the determining factor.
  2. Do not touch my radio. Do not assume control over my radio. If I want to listen to conservative talk radio, WE will listen to conservative talk radio. (I also don't want to hear how Fox News is a biased news channel. I watch Fox News. I know what they are reporting. I do not need your Liberal biased opinion of Fox News.) However, I am always open to suggestions. I don't play around with other person's radios when I am in their car; I expect the same in return.
  3. Do not critique my driving. I passed the driving exam for a reason.
    • I do not wish to hear what you would do in a certain situation.
    • I do not wish to hear which route you would take if you were driving
    • If I ask, "Do you want to drive?" It means "shut the fuck up."
      • If you respond, you will be asked to leave the car.
        • If car is moving, tuck and roll.
    • If you object in any way to how I am driving, it will be noted.
  4. No vomiting inside or outside the car.
    • If vomiting occurs, vomitee will pay for the cleanup, inside and outside.
  5. No littering.
    • If littering occurs and I am pulled over for it, you will pay the fine.
  6. Always wear a seat belt. I don't care who you are, how cool you are, how far down the street we are going, what you do in your car or other person's cars. You are in my car.
    • If non-compliant, you will pay the fine if one is given.
  7. I will not be pressured into racing another vehicle. If pressure, see video.
  8. There will be no mutiny.
    • Mutineers will be subject to being kicked out of the car permanently.
  9. I am not a chauffeur.
    • I will not drive you to another friend's house, when you have no ride. You may make the necessary arrangements with the people you plan to hang out with.
  10. Anything goes. Everyone is allowed to be discriminated against (in good taste).
  11. There will be no whining, no complaining, no bitching. 
  12. If you are asked to vacate the care while moving, tuck and roll.
  13. When "hang outs" are being implemented, I will not be offered my services to pick someone up.
  14. What I say goes. I have the right to change and make new rules whenever applicable.
  15. If these rules cannot be agreed to upon entry of vehicle, call a taxi or walk.

Alright, so the rules are a bit more involved than I originally thought, but that's okay, they are worth it. The following will be the things I have noticed while driving around that aggravate me to the fullest extent of road rage.

The Passing Lane: It is there to pass slow drivers. Now I'm content with people driving their own speed. I respect that. But the passing lane is a very sacred lane. It's there for the impatient motherfuckers that have an extreme amount of road rage, but it's not limited to just those reasons. So, what happens? People just hang out in the passing lane. Sometimes they don't even pass anyone. These shit bags need to learn their place in this world. Like I said, I don't care what speed you prefer to travel, but if I am in your bumper, you might want to go faster. In fact, speed the fuck up and get in the other lane. After I pass you, I don't care what you do. Just get your limp dick out of my way. I've got places to be, people to see, and fucking lives to ruin.

Also, to the motherfuckers who have to immediately jump into the passing lane because you were aggravated with the person in front of them, go fuck yourself. I almost fucking hit you! Go fuck someone else dick.

Motherfucker in a Rush: Now we've all come across that guy that just jumps out into traffic cutting you off and then drives like a geriatric. What fucking purpose does that solve? Are you fucking shit me? Like you were in that much of a fucking rush to get out onto the road, but now that your there, fuck it, I'm just gonna let the wind take me. Yeah, it'll be funny for me when I throw a Molotov Cocktails and pray to our Lord savior Jesus Christ he takes you home... I wish death to your unborn great grandchildren.

Handicap Fuck Head: This really has nothing to do with driving, but I saw some old lady park in a handicap spot today. She also went over the curb and nearly ripped the sign out of the ground, so I find it necessary to say at least this. If you are a handicapped, you shouldn't be driving. Period. If you are perfectly capable of driving, but have a "handicap," go fuck yourself and lose the sign.

Blink...Blink...Blink...Blink...Blink...Blink...Blink...Blink...: Alright! I fucking get it! But your fucking turn is not for another fucking mile up the fucking road! Fuck, man...

That Guy That Has to Take a Turn Slow as Fuck: Just make the fucking turn already. Holy fucking shit!

Wide Turns: Over 100 years of car manufacturing and you think that haven't perfected turning capabilities yet. You don't need to cross into the other lane a little bit in order to make a turn. Just turn the fucking wheel!

Yielding: Doesn't mean stop. It means to be prepared to.

What the Fuck?: I know I am not the most environmentally friendly person around. I've been known to throw a wrapper or two out the window. Mother Earth, forgive me? Thanks, love bug!! You're the best! However, don't throw a fucking cup filled with shit out the window so it can hit someone windshield. Not cool, bro.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss

This a blog about the randomness of things that may or may not pop into my head. Listen, let's be realistic, as a "born again" Christian once told me (right after she asked how my soul was doing), we're all guilty of the sins we have yet to commit.  Also note: everything you will read may or may not actually reflect my true beliefs...

This blog will probably prevent me from getting a real job in the future...

Now that we got that shit out of the way, what the fuck was up with that fucking chimp looking black man... Speaking of which, I was sitting in my Social Problems class last semester and I was looking at all the black people that were in the room. One of them had the facial structure that looked like this.

Fuckin, I hate when I hate when girls try to guilt trip me in to buying them a coffee, or some useless fucking item, or just trying to con me into feeling bad for them for some stupid reason. Unless you have big tits and a cute face, it ain't gonna work. Try some other shallow guy.

The best trash can it the one outside my window when I'm doing 90 down the highway... Sprinkle that unwanted shit all over the world.

I waited four fucking days for you to make a move on Words with Friends and the only thing you could muster up was swapping 2 fucking tiles? I'm playing a fucking retard aren't I? What a fuck head.

I want to be that guy that helps global warming.

She looks like she has several STDs...

I think I can satisfactorily say, I have met maybe 2 decent look red head in my life. The rest all look like burn victims or carrot top... And I cannot take them seriously.

Have you ever noticed it's the ugly women who cry rape or sexual assault. A pretty woman takes unwanted sexual attention like a champ.

I pretty damn convinced that 72% of girl who wear yoga pant become 89% hotter than they were before. Yes, even the ugly once that should probably be wearing a paper bad over their head...

How the fuck do you fail at killing yourself? Hang in there, you'll get it right the second time around...

I need a girlfriend who will just clean and cook...

Women are terrible drivers (I do not need you to pull up stats on who has been in more accidents. Invalid). Asians are very terrible drivers. Asian Women are the worst drivers.