I've been feeling really inspired to write lately, but I've been entirely turned off by the idea because of school and how that's all I've been doing. It's just not the type of writing I want to do. I could give two shits on writing press releases or some other bullshit. This past election has inspired me to get back into my fictional shit. By the way, I didn't vote for Obama. So when the new Civil War begins, I'm totally screwed living here in Communists Massachusetts...
Anyways, politics aside, I've been doing some inspirational, soul searching, type shit. I've concluded that I have appeared to misplace my remote somewhere in between the seat cushions again... I also came up with, what I think, are three profound goals in my life that I feel I have to accomplish. This is aside from the typical, getting a great job or creating a beautiful family with a wonderful person I want to spend the rest of my life, all that cheesy lame shit. So here we go...
My Goals in Life:
- I want to write a book that will leave a lasting (and positive) impression on the world. This book, is supposed to be inspirational; something that will be talked about for generations.
- I want to own a baseball team (not called the Boston Red Sox). I always thought owning a baseball team would be cool. What of it? Better to dream big, than little.
- While on the subject of dreaming big, I would also like to run for President of the United States of America.

If I want to write an inspirational book, fuck it, I am going to do that. If I want to owe a baseball team, fuck it, I am going to do that. If I want to run for fucking president, you bet your ass I will. You can tell me that I can't do it. But who are you to say what I can and can't do? You think I won't succeed? The odds are not favorable, but the odds don't exist if I don't try.
That's the problem with my generation. We seek things we know we can do. Can I get up this morning? Check. "Well, I don't feel like doing the whole school thing, I sucked in high school, college just isn't for me, I'll settle for less and work three job while living with my parents." C'mon, what are you afraid of? Failure? Life is about taking chances. If you fail, you learn from your mistakes and try again. And let's be fucking realistic, I'm sick of people doing shit, "just for the sake of doing shit," going out and being reckless and at the end of the night, "well, I made a mistake, I learned from it, I'll move on..." Such a fucking cop out. If you know it's going to end in a disaster, why fucking do it? Like, is that really a question that needs to be thought about?
I think we have a purpose in life. I really do. I think we can all look at the people around us and take inspiration from one another. I know that's something I would like to do. I want to leave my mark in this world in some form. I want to inspire someone to do something great. Whether it's a pat on the back that gave them the confidence to spark a revolution, or cure cancer, or become a leading expert in industrial waste management. I want to my kids to look into my eyes when they are seeking some type of counsel, and know to not be afraid of the demons the world has. I want them to fight through all the disparity and enlighten someone else to do a greater good. I want them to know, it's okay to be afraid and they can fight through all the oppression life has to offer. And I encourage you all to do the same.
I think it's silly for people to sell themselves short and settle for what is simple and familiar. It's really a wasted life. I see people in my life all the time. Some strive to do good things that meaningful to their life, and I applaud them. Others seem to just sit around and wait til the clock finally runs out. That depresses me. Then, there are the ones in limbo. The ones that had it all figured out, but then things fell apart on them. Well, fear not, the journey doesn't end there.
...oh, yeah, now I remember what I wanted to tell you, positive words of encouragement.