Ben Affleck is Batman. Okay, now that we got that out of the
way, we can move on to the more pressing and pointless bantering.
So no shit, there I was, eating a
fucking salad—because, every good story DOES start with eating a damn good
salad. I don’t understand why salad gets such a bad rap. It’s a fucking
tasteless leaf and when you put some form of flavoring shit on it, it becomes
tasty and flavorful. Nope, didn’t really
have a point there. I just wanted to share that tidbit with you.
Great news, it will be September. Woohoo! Summer is basically over and I’m openly content
with that. I’m happy for this because, I work in retail, and the dummy tourists
will not be visiting. I’ve done an amazing job by not sounding off on them. It’s
just been a long summer. I think they have been the dumbest, most brainless,
people I’ve seen in a long time. Just some dumb fucking people. Dip shit after
dip shit. But you know, I could bitch and complain and say shit like, “Oh my
Gawd, Rebecca, this bitch pissed me off and I got all angry pants, and I had to
bite my tongue and if this bitch had said one more thing, she would totally for
regret that shit.” I mean, that’s cool and all, but I’ve learned, sometime just
nodding at the idiocy around you and silently knowing that you’re the smartest
person in the room is much more self-satisfying than having to remind everyone
in some way that you are the smartest person in the room.

of dumb bitches that suck at fucking life; so there I am driving down a road.
This bitch pulls out in front of me like she’s fucking entitled to every space
in her car reach. I’m driving a fucking moving truck. You know, a vehicle that
doesn’t necessarily stop on a dime. So she pulls out of this street. I ride up
on her ass because, fuck you, and she sticks her hand out to fucking wave. I’m
thinking, okay, I didn’t have much of a fucking choice in this matter, but okay…
We drive maybe another 100 feet and the bitch stops all fucking traffic with
her car to just let everyone pull out on this one particular street. Now, I get
it if you’re making a turn somewhere and you want to let a car or two go on
their merry ways, but this woman took it upon herself to, not only hold me up
and the five cars behind me, but the four other cars from the oncoming traffic.
I immediately went from, meh to raging maniac in literally 4 seconds. I laid on
my horn for a good minute continuously screaming, “Are you fucking kidding me
you dumb fucking cunt!” She won that battle I’m afraid. However, the dude on
the other side wasn’t having it either so he just said, “thug life!” and
finally broke up the traffic halt. He was definitely the MVP. I was the coach
who randomly argued nothing to the umpire for no reason just to get ejected
from the game. Regardless, she was a fucking cunt and I hope she falls down her
basement stair, breaks her back, and manages to land with her face submerged
enough underwater as her basement suddenly becomes flooded. Hopefully fate will
prevail in my favor. One can only hope...
So this
is a story that has no relevance to anything. It was just a thought that propped
in my mind while I was checking out this girl the other day. So there I was doing
my scanning of this chick in a bathing suit and notice she's tatted up. I'm
thinking, that’s a really cool tattoo, I wish I could see the rest. After
realizing what I wanted to ask, nonchalantly, I realized I’d be basically asking
to see her vagina as her tattoo stemmed into that region. That wouldn’t be an
issue to me, but I felt people wouldn’t be like, “oh yeah sure, let me pull my
bottom off so you can get the whole view. This then prompted me into thinking
up a way to explain myself if I were to make an attempted as to why I wanted to
see her tats/vag. Finally, after digging myself in such a deep hole, in my mind
and quite possibly real life, I'd probably just give up, saying, "I'm more
curious to see what it looks like when you’re 75 anyways..."
with that in mind, I’m done for the night. Again, as I generally do, I wanted
to write something really cool and at the end of this, zero relevant things
were brought up. Cheers.
Val Kilmer being....Fat |