Sunday, July 17, 2011

Read My Mind

I work somewhere in there.
I'm not quite sure what kind of week I have had this week. It was kind of filled with mixed emotions. Thursday, I found out that the mall I work in is closing down. In fact it's getting demolished. The last day of store operation would be the following week. Of course, I am going on vacation tomorrow morning to Florida. That means for me... Well, actually, I still don't know what that means for me. I'll get back to you on that. But it was kind of a sad feeling. I had been shopping at that store since I was a young lad. I used to get my kids shoes there. I used to go there with my Dad to kill time, while my sister was at dance class near by. 15 years later, I'm employed there and I get to see its final days.

Recently, I made an attempt to reignite an old friendship. I found myself being the only one interested in that apparently. I know I'm very impatient with a great many of things, but I have little patients with people. Day 1: "wanna hang out?"  No, response... Day 2: "wanna hang out?" Nada thing... Well, that about sums up my attempt. I think my life is a bit more exciting than that. My intentions were good, I thought. I mean, 2 years is a long time to not see anyone, especially when they were so significant in you life. I can't really tell if this is sign to move on or if I'm being handed a second chance. They way things are looking, I'm not sure I want another shot. Some people change... and I'm telling you you haven't. If it was meant to be, I'm sure I'd be blogging about wedding plans already.

I sometimes wonder what would happen if I was abducted my aliens. Yes, we are indeed going there. I'm a semi-big Roman Catholic guy. I believe God created man in his image and that kinda shit. But I also believe he is a crafty motherfucker. I can't believe this little universe is solely occupied by the human race. That would be a cop out to the existence of life. But anyways, just imagine being abducted by aliens. And I'm not talking about the probing and shit like that. I'm talking about intelligent life taking you on a journey through the galaxy. I would love to see those thing. The universe has a number of mysteries and secrets locked away. Hell, maybe you'd get stuck in a space battle and get captured by some evil alien race and you find out you are the chosen one for some unearthly reason and Charlize Theron get's to rescue you. Well, it's always been a fantasy of mine to get rescued by Charlize Theron.

Have yourself another dream tonight...

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