I'm like the leaf that never fell from the tree. I just got
brown and dead-like on the tree limb. That's how I feel most days; misplaced
and misunderstood in this world. I know I say something that make you think
twice about and wonder why in the hell would I say something like that. Yes,
granted I say some ignorant things, but let’s be realistic, you think I walk
around ranting nonsense like that? Yeah, you’re right, but only sometimes. But,
it’s all an act. I say them to get a rise out of people. I don’t run around the
streets ranting racist things. I look at every person the same ways. Black,
green, purple, yellow, slanted eyed, bogeyed, white eyed… I have a deformed body; I’m the last person
who will call someone out because they’re “different.”
Everyone has an act they play. You have people that pretend
like they like someone or a certain group of people, but yet, no one really
criticizes that. But, when I play an ignorant prick on facebook and twitter,
you know, the place that is now considered the real world, I lose all my “friends”
(you know, the people I see on a daily basis. And when I mean see, I mean in my
useless newsfeed…)
I'm awesome!! Remember that!! |
We hang amongst our friends and one of them does something
beyond stupid, we call them a retard. We laugh and giggle and what not. A
President says he bowls as if he were in the Special Olympics. I laughed. In
fact, it showed the man had a character. But, “people” out there were upset.
Who gives a shit? I mean really. I’ve said this before, and I will say it
again: Peace starts at not giving a shit about other people differences. And I’m
not talking about world peace. I’m talking about anything: fighting, name
calling, racial inequalities, political correctness, and sure, world peace. So
if I want to say something that is a bit controversial in the realm of
ignorance, I’m going to. Why? Because, who cares, I don’t think I’m better. And
I don’t care if I was. Call me a dumb little shit. I’m not gonna bet all butt
hurt and tell you I have a learning disability.
I just think we waste our time telling people how to act
properly or say the right things to avoid offending others. There are more important
things out there. Judge me for who I am as a person in real life, not by what I
posted on facebook the other day…
That's basically what I have on my mind today. Tomorrow, I will talk about how all the cute girls look really good in yoga pants and how fat people should just eat themselves to death. Lastly, I just want to confirm something. Is it wrong that I YouTube animals getting run over by trains? Oh well, I'll let you YouTube it yourself and see if you think it's funny or not. I can only imagine the repercussions I'd have to deal with, and I can tell you right now, I have more important things to do like brainwashing my three year old nephew into thinking Tiger Woods is an adequate role model.
I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting this song, but, I think it's a good song and it makes it seem like I have a heart and sensitive side when I post songs like these. It's the new imagine I'm trying to push. I'm so done with the tough guy persona. I get kind of bored of beating up 12 year olds and show all my buds I'm cool. That and crushing empty beer cans on my head, starts to hurt after a while...
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