When I graduated high school, I wanted to go to film school
and be then next big thing. I wanted all the movies that I would direct have a
catchy slogan, like, “From the Director that is far cooler than Steven
Spielberg…” But that hasn’t happen, and will probably never happen.

So, I guess I want to start this
reflection with, thanks Dad. Sometimes, you need someone to just tell it to you
straight. No grey areas, just, plain simple English.
When I got to 4Cs (Cape Cod
Community College), I flat out didn’t give a shit. I was basically in an academic
limbo. I suddenly felt like I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but
yet at the same time, I didn’t give a shit about anything in life. I lost all
passion. I basically just fell short of a nervous breakdown.

My four years at 4Cs ended on a
high note. I actually broke out of my shell and met people. I even socialized,
which was something pretty big in my life. And so, to those people that I
actually became friendly, thank you. Sometimes the smallest gestures leave a lasting
impact. Whether it would be allowing me to buy Red Sox tickets off you for
below market value, or buying me Twinkies to munch on in class and be fat, or
feeling comfortable for being a nonconformist, slug in class. Thanks for making
a difference in my life.
4Cs taught me a lot of things. I
helped molded me to who I am. A lot of the professors there pissed me off to
the point, where I actually talked back to them, which, surprisingly, is not my
style. I got kicked out of class, I told a teacher his methods were
ineffective, and I even had the balls to make a sexist comment to a feminist teacher…
I actually regret that bit, mainly, because she put me right in my place
thereafter… Which is actually easy, but my timing was beyond abysmal…
To the bros and hoes that just happened
to hang around in my life, I know I’m stubborn like an old man, and I’m not
always the easiest person to get along with or have a normal conversation, but thanks
for putting up with me. Some of you may know why I am the way I am or some of
you just went with it, it really means a lot. I’m not going to the get any sappier
with that. I’m just going to leave it that. Miscellaneous/Family/Others:
Thanks. Much love.
And lastly, to all the fuck heads
that had no clear purpose in my life, thank you for getting the fuck out. Turns
out, I could do it without you. Y’all have been basically the biggest pieces of
shits in my life. You have done literally nothing to improve it. You know when
you leave your laundry in the washer machine for too long and it’s that smelly
shit that is technically the only thing you have clean, that’s a better day
than spending a moment with you. You are virtually nonessential. Even that
extra Lego in the package, has more of a fucking use than you. I'm not going to leave any subtle hints or anything. You all know who you are. We can leave it
at this; you should have been a blow job.
Hey, you wanna get drunk?
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