Last night (4/29/2011), my friend Chris (You can read his blog here. He's kinda cool...) decided he wanted to go out and he dragged me along. I really didn't want to go out, but I did anyways. He was driving, which meant I could get drunk. I was totally down for that shit. I always drive so I was due.
Anyways, we get there, get carded by some random bartender, which stunned me, because we never get carded 'cause we're fucking regulars. So I open up a tab, drinks on me, no big deal, out of mind out of site. I was expecting to spend some money so, whatevs.
So there's a bachelorette party of middle age women going on and one tries to get me to take off my shirt off for a game they were playing and flex my muscle. I had to decline because fat can't flex (I'm not a fatty, I'm a skinny kid with a gut. It's hot... okay depressing. But I have a cool hole in my chest!!).
Anyways, there we are having our drinks and these 2 gorgeous little creatures of Earth came into the bar. One was just dirty blond, hair kinda twirled up, wore a red and black looooow cut dress... I think it was a dress. very low cut pleathery. Like in a slutty way, but not too slutty. She was just a babe, But the girl that caught my eye was her friend. She was gorgeous with her shimmering brown hair that laid gently on her shoulder. She had these pretty brown eye glistened through her glasses (to be honest, it was dark, I couldn't tell what her eye color was). Yes, she wore glasses and it gave her spunk. It just made her look classy, sexy, adorable, intelligent, sexy, adorable, sexy and slightly adorable. Like that quiet girl in the corner you just want to cuddle with, or high five. Whatever you do. She had on this while shirt on with black stripes here and there and black...pants? Skirt? I can't remember. Whatever she was wearing, it showed all her curves very well. I mean, very well. I felt like I was in those movies where the average joe was just dicking around and then this heavenly entity comes out of nowhere and time is allowed to stop long enough for you to catch ever moment in this most enchanted moment.
So we talked, for a brief moment, when I managed to make room for them to squeeze in to the bar and place an order. I basically, took the bar stool and pushed it into Chris, ousting him from the area. Dick move, but they were cuter than him. So they got their drinks, left and got hit on by other guys... Utter fail. But I got drunk enough and called over my bartender and told her to but their next drink on my tab. Not even a thank you... Was I suppose to make mention that it was me? I think I fucked up when I didn't introduce myself... or maybe it was me jamming to Lady Gaga... Ugh *palms forehead*
I also, played hostess to a bunch of butch looking women, who were at this bachelorette party. I handed them all their drinks. Then there was this weird old man who came in, scoped out the scene, ordered a drink, talked to my bartender, then left. So that was about the extent of my night. The End.
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