Monday, May 2, 2011

Hang 'em High

So about 9 1/2 years ago America was attacked by radical Islamic terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. This is fact. Nothing refute here. The world stood still on this day and America, the greatest country, united as one entity. Just like every American, I remember that day clearly.

I grew up by Otis Air Force Base. This was the base that sent fighter pilots to assist in New York for what ever to come. I was in 7th grade English class and I remember those jets flying over the school very well. In fact that sound still echos in my head whenever I see footage of that day. I just have that distinct reaction every time. I still get chills down my spine.

Fast forward to May 1st 2011, news breaks that Osama Bin Laden was killed in a firefight, during a secret operation about a week prior. How does one react to this? With great enthusiasm of course. One less vicious monster on this world. He deserved, nothing more. How would you appoint justice to someone who killed 3,000 innocent lives.

Now, you can argue all you want, that American drops missiles all the time on innocent people for their causes. Collateral damage, I believe is what they call it. Usually, when US troops drop missiles like that, they're trying to get a target. Shit happens, it's not like they aim at those people. And you're not there so you don't know if those innocent people are really innocent. Shit like that is sometimes said to make American troops like they're the bad guys. A man hijacked planes to deliberately kill Americans. Why? Because our way of life is just not right and we should all follow him.  Unless you have some other great idea, bombing the hell out of them works for me. No you can not go and talk to these people, hold hands, and sing campfire songs of peace. That won't work.

Unfortunately, we live in a world were violence is the only form of justice, and celebrating the death of someone like Bin Laden, is the only way. Kill or be killed. Should this had been executed they way did it? Yeah, it should have. Should he been captured alive and gone to trial? In a perfect world, that would mistake, but again, I ask, what kind of punishment would you want, or how would you convict someone and put him on trial? You can't. This isn't the same as Saddam Hussein. He was a threat, but not our problem in that sense. We delivered the package and his people did what they deemed effective. Any evil dictator that was toppled, got what they deserved. What would you have done to Hitler, had he been captured? What would you have done with Saddam, or a man who just killed your family, or Pearl Harbor for that matter? What would you do with Bin Laden? He could no have been tried. Period. Too much prejudice and he's guilty of his crimes and has admitted it. Aside from that, he didn't want to be taken alive. He's a terrorist, a soldier, a believe to his cause.

Now, just because I'm glad he's finally dead, don't think for 2 seconds I don't have any beef with this. I think Obama has handed this situation fairly well. We got the target, but this is far from over. Anyone who knows anything, knows that this is far from over. We have rattled the bees nest. This isn't a victory. It's just a point in the win column. It's still an uphill battle. Don't forget, the leader of a larger terrorist network has been kill. These shit bags aren't just gonna drop their gun and run the fuck home. These people are pissed. We took the life of an inspirational figure from them. They want fucking revenge too! Seeing a pattern? To all you tree hungers and hippies, this is the reason why world peace can't exist. It will never happen in this or the next lifetime.

I recount from a movie called, Munich. I highly recommend it. It's directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Eric Bana and Daniel Craig. Basically, in a nutshell, it's about Mossad agent tracking down and killing figure heads of Black September, that planned the Munich Olympic killing of the Jewish Athletes. The point I'm trying to make is, halfway through the movie they find out, they are killing people who have replaced the guys they've already killed. This is what is likely going to happen. Some top official in Al Qaeda will replace Bin Laden. It's like a natural order. Nothing supernatural. Eventually, they will die out, because all things have an end. And besides, we're America.

Another thing that pisses me off is this. How many adults did you see out in the streets praising Osama Bin Laden's death? There might have been some, but I'll tell you, every screen shot I saw were a bunch of college kids pretending like this was a fucking party. I can imagine it already. Some drunk douche bag, stuck in his dorm, heard the news and got this dumb drunk idea to go out and party. Then some other dumb drunk douche bag thought, "that's a fucking splendid idea, let me get my drunk ass and follow your drunk ass." It's the fucking ignorance of some people. Yeah, it's a good thing, but to run out in the streets like that, it's fucking ridiculous. You've acted as if we won something, you've acted as if it was a sporting even, you've acted as if you've

Anyways, I'm done for the night. Maybe the troops around the world be blessed with safety and God bless America.

For a more sappy take on this event, read this blog. It's a hippie perspective. Till next time, hang those fucking towel heads high and blow the shit out of them!

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