So here I am being that guy blogging through Hurricane Irene. Not really, it's kind of uneventful, for that is. At this point, the storm was just recently downgraded to a tropical storm. So it's now Tropical Storm Irene.
Prior to the storm however, everyone in my small little cape town that I live in goes from either, panic mode and expecting the Apocalypse to happen or you have those people who are like, where not gonna get hit. Meteorologist are full of shit. Now, I don't know if people are just ignorant or just flat out retarded. I'll tell you right now, I am and still one of those people who knows, yeah this storm isn't gonna be disastrous, but I also know we are going to get hit and some things will be damaged.
Now, my accreditation might be lacking, but I once studied weather. And, no, to all my old high school classmates, it was not Mr. Hill's Meteorology class. I researched a thing or 2 on my own free time. Now, am I going to say here, I should be one of those guys on TV with a camera crew telling you how it is. Hell no. I'm far from it. In fact, even I scratch my head going, "what the fuck did he just say?" But I kinda get the basic ideas of how some storms operate. Like how snow storms that come into New England are very unpredictable because of the jet stream patterns. I know, that a slight shift to the north, we can get 3 feet of snow dumped on us or a slight shift to the south and interaction with ocean water, that same storm can drop only rain.
If you're reading this and saying I'm over reacting, than you totally missing where I am coming from. You were probably that person, when we got the left over of Katrina, who said, "I don't know what those people in New Orleans were complaining about, it was just a little bit or rain..." In basic, "stupid people" language, you sound like a fucking idiot when you say this storm was stupid and because it was as "epic" as you thought it would be. I hope a tree falls on your car, because, then you'll be complaining about how stupid the storm was for knocking a tree down on your car. Because, you know, it was totally an act of nature's fault you parked your car next to a rotting tree...
Extra reading material Fancy Radar --p.s. The weather looks alrightish, anyone wanna go out in the storm?
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