So, I do Fantasy Baseball with a friend of mine and a bunch of people who I don't know. I feel at this point, I probably don't want to do it again with these people again. It's not that they're bad people, it's that, I don't think they get the concept. I was not part of the team during the drafting period, so I can't say what happened there. But since then, people basically play a player a day. Especially, pitchers. Most teams have like 7 new pitchers a day and I just scratch my head.
No, my problem isn't about what I said above. My problem is no one trades. They all keep their best players, which is fine, I do too, but I also have good players I'm willing to part with. My even bigger problem is, the people with the best players are also the team that have a 4-12 record. Oh yeah by the way, there's 3 weeks left and they don't check their profile everyday. That last part leaves me to my point. If you have a 4-12 record with 3 weeks left on a team you clearly don't give a shit about, uhh, why play? And why not just give me that damn player!!! Holy fucking shit!!! I mean, are you fucking kidding? Even if you decide to go a improbable 3 game winning streak that puts you at 8-12. That's still fucking losing. That's actually far from fucking winning, in case you were too fucking stupid and too unaware. Especially, when your league leader is 13 and fucking 2. So cut the shit and give me your goddamn fucking team. Is it too much to ask for? Because if it is, then I sincerely apologize for inconveniencing you, but if not, just cut yourself and rid us of your stupidity.
The worst fucking part about this is, I have a plethora of decent players. I have done so many lop sided trade proposals, like 4 for 1 players. I emptied a good chunk of my roster for one supreme dude, and I get fucking denied. Are you shitting me? What is that? "Oh this trade must be bad, I can't do it..." I'm like the fucking master of finding these little gems. But yet, because they haven't heard of the persons name or don't know how to read a fucking stat, or haven't checked their account in 19 fucking days because they don't give a fat fuck about anything....they don't make a simple trade... Fucking bullshit!
If I was 4-12, I would release all my players and let every buddy grab who they need and then go on with my life. You can tell by a persons character when they hang on to hopeless things. These are the type of people who will keep their brain dead family members on life support for 14 years before the doctor say, " Oh, by the way, there's no hope."
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